Pharaoh’s Daughter

Rev. Tanya J Tyler  Sermon text: Exodus 2: 1-11 Special Music: “Go Down, Moses” (African American spiritual)    Jack Johnston

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Rev. Tanya J Tyler  Sermon text: Romans16: 1-7 Special Music: “In the Garden” (C Austin Miles)  Rev. Tanya J Tyler and Lola McVey

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The Weeping Women

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Luke 23: 26-31 Special Music: “There’s Something About That Name”  (Gloria and William Gaither)  vocalist: Steve Norbury  pianist: Lola McVey

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Coming to Fruition

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Revelation 22: 1-5 Special Music: “Every Time I Feel the Spirit”  (African American Spiritual)  vocalist: Jack Johnston  pianist: Lola McVey

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Plain Talk

Guest Pastor Darrell Coats   Sermon text: Luke 6: 17-26 Special Music: “Precious Memories” (Randy Travis)    vocalist: Todd Oberheu     pianist: Lola McVey

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Forbidden Fruit

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Genesis 3: 1-7 Special Music: “Seek Ye First”   (Karen Lafferty)    FCC Quintet

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The Power of Protection

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Psalm 91: 9-16 Special Music: “He Touched Me”  (William J Gather)  vocalist: Steve Norbury  pianist: Lola McVey  

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