Just One

When only one leper returns to give thanks to God, Jesus asks “where are the rest?” The one who returns offers praise and thanksgiving to God for being healed. The story is a reminder of our need to give praise and thanks to God for all that God has done for us. We should at […]

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The God We Praise

Focusing on Psalm 113, Pastor Matt reminds us that God is worthy to be praised because God is always working for the poor, the needy, the barren and the left behind. The Psalmist tells us that we should praise God because God is the God of the poor and needy. But also as reminder that […]

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Someone Check the Lost and Found

Using Jesus’ parables about the lost sheep and the lost coin from Luke’s gospel, Pastor Matt talks about being left in the wilderness when our God goes out looking for the lost. He reminds us that we are not just the sheep left behind but the shepherd and the woman – looking for those who […]

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Sabbath as Resistance

Jesus heals on the Sabbath, breaking the codes that have been built around the day of rest. Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann suggests that the sabbath was designed as an act of resistance against the 24/7 life of Egypt. Jesus act is and act of resistance against the social codes of his day. How might we […]

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