The Last Supper

Rev. Tanya J Tyler  Sermon text: Matthew 26: 26-30 Special Music: “Go Down, Moses”  (African-American spiritual)  Soloist: Jack Johnston  Pianist: Cheri Chandler

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A Brotherly Banquet

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Genesis 43: 26-34 Special Music: “Bow Down Low” (arranged by David Bridges)  FCC Choir

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Ready to Rebuild

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Ezra 1: 5-11 Special Music: “A Blessing”  (Dave and Jean Perry)  FCC Choir

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Ready for Every Good Work

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Titus 3: 1-8 Special Music:  “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (Sy Miller/Jill Jackson)   Tanya Barlow and Anne Speights

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You Must Be Ready

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Matthew 24: 36-44 Special Music: “Faithful I Will Be” (Cindy Berry)   FCC Choir

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Journey to Egypt

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Matthew 2: 13-15 Special Music: “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” (Thedore Baker/German Carol/Traditional Melody/arranged by Michael Praetorius) FCC Quintet

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The Magi’s Journey

Rev. Tanya J Tyler    Sermon text: Matthew 2: 9-12 Special Music: “Sleep, Little Lamb” (Joseph M. Martin)  Anne Speights & Susan Finch

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End of the Journey?

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Luke 2: 7 Special Music: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”  (John Mason Neale/Henry Sloan Coffin/Thomas Helmore) FCC Handbell Choir  

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The Journey to Bethlehem

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Luke 1: 1-6 Special Music: “Good King Wenceslas” (traditional)  vocalists: Todd Oberheu & Rev. Tanya J Tyler pianist: Anne Speights

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