E as in Ephphatha

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Mark 7: 32-37 Special Music: “There’s a Great Day Coming”  (Till L. Thompson) Ed & Doreen Reeves

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The Fullness of Time

Rev. Tanya J Tyler  Sermon text: Galatians 4: 4-7 Special Music: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” (Hoffman/Showalter)  FCC Quintet

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G is for Gamaliel

Rev. Tanya J Tyler  Sermon text: Acts 5: 33-39 Special Music: “Jesus Saves” (Priscilla Owens/William Kirkpatrick)   FCC Choir

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Bruce, We’re Not Like That

Guest Speaker: Elder Jack Johnston  Sermon text: Psalm 137 Special Music: “This World is Not My Home” (Mary Reeves/Albert E. Brumley) Ed Reeves on harmonica    Doreen Reeves on piano

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H as in Herodias

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Mark 6: 18-29 Special Music: “Untitled Hymn” (Come to Jesus)(Chris Rice) Pastor Tanya J Tyler & Cheri Chandler

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I as in INRI

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: John 19: 14-22 Special Music: “You Say” (Lauren Daigle)  June Shaughnessy

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L as in Lydia

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Acts 16: 13-15 Special Music: “Lamb of God” (Twila Paris)  Todd Oberheu

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