R as in Roof

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Luke 5: 17-26 Special Music: “Trust and Obey” (Sammis/Towner) with “No, Not One!” (Oatman Jr./Hugg)    FCC Choir

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Why We Wrestle

Rev. Tanya Tyler   Sermon text: Ephesians 6: 11-13 Special Music: “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought!”  (Gilmore/Bradbury)

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No, We’re Not Drunk!

Rev. Tanya J Tyler   Sermon text: Acts 2: 5-21 Special Music: It Is Well with My Soul  (Spafford/Bliss)     FCC Choir Accompanist: Cheri Chandler    Director: Sharon Barajas

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